Strawberry Smoosh

Plan Z Phase: This is a Z2 (ZReduction) recipe.

OMG! Plan Z dieter Natalie out in Maine made a very scary discovery! She discovered I never published the recipe for Strawberry Smoosh! Strawberry Smoosh is my husband’s FAVORITE ZReduction dessert. How could I have been so lax? I’m almost ashamed! Here’s the recipe for all to enjoy!


  • 20 frozen strawberries of various sizes (you can get unsweetened ones in bags in the grocery store)
  • 1 tsp of organic vanilla
  • 1 tsp of Truvia  (stevia)
  • up to one cup of water


This one requires a food processor. I’m afraid unless you have a really strong blender that it would kill it.

Put the berries and the vanilla and Truvia in the blender. Pulse the berries to break them up into small chunks. It will look sort of like red, chunky slush. Open your processor and scrape down the sides. Put the top back on and add a ½ cup of water. Pulse some more to get it softer. Scrape again. Then add the last of the water and continue to blend until it’s smooth and moves around the inside of your processor like frozen slush.

Each portion is a half cup. You can eat it right away. It does freeze well in a container. When you take it out of the freezer plan to leave it on the counter for a bit to soften up. Unlike ice cream it will freeze solid and will be a bear to scoop out unless you let it soften some. This never lasts long at my house.

You can use raspberries to do this, too.

I haven’t tried blueberry or blackberry yet but I’m confident they would do pretty well too.

Instead of using regular stevia, dieter Michael uses a few drops of the chocolate flavored liquid stevia drops. Yum.

