Sprinkler Day

Here’s a last minute idea for your Fourth of July celebration (or you can do it any day in the summer). There’s a kiddie element…


I’m recommending that in order to fight some of the inflation issue you consider a few behavior changes.

40 Fast Years

Recently, the 40th anniversary of when my husband and I began our courtship arrived. What prompted us noticing the importance of…

The Skinny on Sugar Part 2

In our last installment, I talked about how there are a lot of myths and misinformation still floating around that relate to how…

How to Eat French Fries

The issue is can you ever get away with a little? I’m here to say yes, if you have a little discipline.

The Skinny on Sugar Part 1

I want to give you the skinny on the newest science related to sugar. I want to dispel some serious myths and set the record…

Cookie Mission

When I was just a tween I decided to bake cookies for 4,000 troops stationed on an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea. My…

A Mother. A Leader.

There was a problem. A big problem. The scrambled eggs were green! How in blazes that did happen? And what happened! What do we…

We are going HOME!

We got the approval. The cardiologist said, “Fly, Fly, fly away!” The urology surgeon said, “I’m so proud. You were so brave. You…

All Clear

We got a call from the urologist. Chris has been officially declared CANCER FREE. The pathology is completely CLEAR. The surgeon…

The Little-Known Queen of the Culinary World

I worked for a woman named Marilyn Lewis in 1980. She was the one who put gourmet burgers on the map

Hero Mommy

As I saw the interaction between mother and daughter in the grocery store I thought to myself, that mom is my hero today, and…

Life’s Curveballs

I tell you all of this just to give you a head’s up that I’ve been rather...busy.

Strategies for Success at Holiday Gatherings

If you are determined not to gain weight over the holidays, this is how to do it.

The 10 Minute Cleanup

Have your guests play a small part in helping to clean up after the big meal. They will not do everything; but when every person…

The Menu

Traditionally, my menu for Thanksgiving gets set this week. Here’s a little bit of the history of Thanksgiving in my family.

Store These In the Fridge

From the Fine Folks at Southern Living Magazine a feature on things you should refrigerate (but probably aren’t).

Halloween Treats

I have found the perfect place to buy Halloween treats is at the craft store. This year I bought Halloween themed pencils,…

Sugar Rule #1: 15 Grams or Less

If you are going to have that occasional dessert I wanted to give you a few ideas for how to pull that off without having to go…

Someone’s in the Kitchen with Zola

One of the “secrets” of losing weight on Plan Z is that you cook your own food. That puts you in control of everything that goes…