I can do anything for 50 days

“I was just so much lighter. It was like the wind was at my back and I was thrilled.”
Like most of our dieters, Dieter Grant heard about Plan Z on the radio. Unlike most of our dieters, he hasn’t done much dieting in the past. So when Grant finished Plan Z he was pleasantly surprised by how much weight he lost. During his interview, he told us, “I kept having to re-set my goals, it was working so well.”
Dieter Grant wanted education on better eating. What he received was so much more: shockingly simple and delicious recipes, improved lab results, and an everlasting grin. Oh, and much less snoring!
Take a look at his lab results below.
Grant achieved our average weight loss of 31 pounds in 50 days. He developed a really catchy mantra to keep him focused on his goal, his landmark on the horizon.
“50 days is going to happen anyway. How do you want to look at the end of it?” And, “I can do anything [for] 50 days.”
Tap the image beneath to hear more charming tales from Dieter Grant.
One of the things that makes Plan Z so successful is the unlimited inspiration for fresh, home-cooked meals. Our dieters have access to over 900 recipes to choose from and we keep adding more! Dieter Grant didn’t have to repeat a meal for more than two or three weeks. One of his favorite recipes is Zola’s Asian Balsamic Glazed Salmon. Maybe it’ll be your next favorite, too.
Asian Balsamic Glazed Salmon
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
Dieter Rhonda Talks about Her Plan Z Experience
In this interview, Rhonda shares her successes and setbacks. Learn how she lost 45# very quickly and how quickly those pounds can come back if you don’t follow the “rules” of ZReboot. Hers is a cautionary tale with a (spoiler alert) happy ending.
“This is crazy!”
“I was just shocked…I’m not doing any exercise, I’m just eating food and [the weight is] melting off. This is crazy but, hey, I was happy.”
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Dieter Glenda told us, "This has been the easiest diet plan I have ever done."
Alyssa Lost 247 Pounds
Chris, our VP of Anger Management, offers up an interview with Plan Z Dieter Alyssa. Dieter Alyssa not only feels that Plan Z has improved her life, it may have saved it. She’s down 152#. Come listen to this heartwarming tale of weight loss and restored self-esteem.
Biggie’s Favorite Recipes
“I never felt like I was truly dieting because everything I would eat tasted great…I never got frustrated where I would with other diets because I was consistently losing weight and I was consistently eating good food.” - Josh "Biggie" Ellinger, Greensboro, NC
Weight loss after 40
Claire's 50-pound transformation shocked her friends, her doctor, and even her grandchildren. If you've been thinking about improving your health or shrinking your waist, take Dieter Claire's advice and, "Don't ever let anyone tell you it's too late to try."