54 pounds in 50 days!

Dieter Jeremy from South Carolina is a dedicated father and a hard-working husband who used to consider himself a functioning alcoholic. Jeremy fought with his weight for years. Recently, he decided to completely quit drinking alcohol which caused him to, “[lean] into the ice cream and cookies and things.” Hopping on the wagon uncovered intense aches and pains in his joints. He believes the alcohol was numbing the pain. During his interview, Jeremy said, “I had severe pain. I mean, just agonizing pain in my knees, in my back, in my elbows, in my neck. And it never really went away and I just dealt with it… I kind of knew in the back of my mind it was because of my weight.”
Dieter Jeremy hit a breaking point when he began struggling to get up from a seated position, and that’s when he turned to Plan Z. He liked that Plan Z is an all real food diet with no shakes, pills, or surgeries. Jeremy didn’t need help with motivation; what he needed was clear directions. And that’s what you receive with Plan Z.
Dieter Jeremy lost a whopping 54 pounds in just 50 days. He averaged around one pound a day! He also re-ignited a past love of roller-blading and was able to get off his prescription for Nexium. His interview is very inspiring and entertaining. Have a listen below!
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
Big Guy, Big Change
Biggie lost over 293 pounds on Plan Z…and is still losing. Biggie’s drastic transformation ranks him as one of the top losers (or should we say winners) on the Plan Z Diet.
After losing 37 pounds I feel 100% better
I don't park in the handicap parking anymore, I leave that for somebody else who really needs it. I park further away but that's ok because I don't need a cane anymore. I feel 100% better...I just can't believe how much 37 pounds made a difference in my life. It's incredible.
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Dieter Glenda told us, "This has been the easiest diet plan I have ever done."
Weight loss after 40
Claire's 50-pound transformation shocked her friends, her doctor, and even her grandchildren. If you've been thinking about improving your health or shrinking your waist, take Dieter Claire's advice and, "Don't ever let anyone tell you it's too late to try."
Here Comes the Bride: Taunya Iverson
By the time Taunya went for her 2nd wedding dress fitting she was 4 sizes smaller than when she had picked the dress out, making quite a bit of work for the seamstress.
My self-esteem has returned
My self esteem has returned, I’m now wearing the same size jeans that I wore in high school, and I can run after my grand kids without losing my breath!! Can’t believe it was like carrying a 35 lb bag in each hand for all these years.