Conquer the Quarantine Fifteen
We’ve all had those backslides after weight loss. Slowly, bad habits creep back in and we see the scale creep back up. Hayley St John is a radio spokesperson for Plan Z on Nashville’s WBUZ, “The Buzz” and encountered this all too familiar scenario recently.
Back in 2017, Hayley tried Plan Z and lost 26 pounds. She kept the weight off for years until her home state of Tennessee went into lockdown in March 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. While stuck at home she found herself surrounded by temptation and gained the dreaded “quarantine fifteen.” Luckily, Plan Z is the best diet to do when at home because there’s no exercise and it’s all real food.
This time around, Hayley had the support of her boyfriend, Josh, doing the diet with her. Hayley believes the extra support and motivation she received from dieting with Josh helped her lose more weight. She said, “If you start to kind of fall off track you have the other person to lift you back up and it’s…a bigger reason that I lost more [weight] this round than the first time because I had somebody dieting with me.” In 50 days Josh lost 24 pounds and Hayley lost 31 pounds.
Even though the pandemic is behind us, many people are still struggling with losing pandemic weight. Because Plan Z is a healthy, real food diet, the habits you’ll pick up in the process will help you keep the weight off for good. Take this time to prioritize yourself and get hooked on recipes your whole family will love. And, if you diet with a buddy, you qualify for special pricing.
“I reached out to Plan Z Diet two months ago for help. You know me. I love my craft beer, my burritos, my red wine, and my iced coffees. I like to live life and have fun. But recently it became too much.
The picture on the left is from March at GnashVegas. Truth is, I photoshopped the picture when I initially posted it. I made my arms and face smaller so I was comfortable enough to make it public. Why am I living like this?!?! Photoshop can save my pictures, but it can’t save me in real life.
Plan Z didn’t ask me to post this. I’m just ecstatic enough to personally share with you my results. After completing almost seven weeks of proper education and guidance from Plan Z, I’ve lost 26 pounds, and besides red-eye removal, the current photo of me on the right remains untouched!!”
Hayley St John
102.9 FM WBUZ
Nashville, TN
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
I can do anything for 50 days
Dieter Grant was pleasantly surprised by how much weight he lost. During his interview he told us, “I kept having to re-set my goals, it was working so well.”
Weight loss after 40
Claire's 50-pound transformation shocked her friends, her doctor, and even her grandchildren. If you've been thinking about improving your health or shrinking your waist, take Dieter Claire's advice and, "Don't ever let anyone tell you it's too late to try."
Meet Paul, our 100 pound loser
Dieter Paul is our latest 100# loser. He'll share his secrets and insights in the interview. Hint: No more 32oz Mountain Dews in the afternoon.
Husband and Wife Lose 130 Pounds Together
James and Peggy joined Plan Z together. Besides the incredible weight loss, Peggy hasn’t woken to a single migraine since she started Plan Z.
No More Fat Clothes for Fat Months
Thanks, Zola.....You have literally saved me from this 25 lb spiral and for that I'm extremely grateful.
The Closet Dilemma
Dieter Kate told us, “The hardest part of this diet, for me, has been keeping clothes in my closet that fit.”